District Newsletter

Rotary District 7545

District Newsletters



Send In Your Stories and Photos for the Next Edition:
Please send your Rotary Club stories (deadline is always the last day of the month) to our District Newsletter Editor, Donna Tennant at need_email_here
A suggestion to the District Leadership Team, Assistant Governors and Committee Chairs : Send in a story about what your committee is doing and how the clubs can connect with you. 
A suggestion to Club Presidents: There is a place in the Newsletter for News from Clubs. What have you accomplished that you would announce to everyone in the District? (Please note that we would love to see your “accomplishments”, not “fundraisers” and not “check presentations”). 
Note to Club Presidents:  Did you know that there are a number of Rotarians in our District that do not get this newsletter and other important information and letters and announcements from our District Leaders? Their email addresses have likely been changed. Please ensure that all of your members have the correct email address in their DACdb profiles.
Thanks everyone!
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